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The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), now referred to simply as ICSC, is a pivotal organization within the global marketplace industry, encompassing shopping centers, malls, and other retail real estate entities. Established in 1957, ICSC has evolved significantly from its original focus on shopping centers to a broader mission emphasizing innovation and community service within commerce. ICSC connects over 70,000 members across over 100 countries, including diverse professionals like shopping center owners, developers, managers, marketers, investors, retailers, and public officials. This extensive network is further supported by regional councils worldwide, facilitating a global community in the retail marketplace sector​.


A key aspect of ICSC’s evolution is its rebranding in 2021, shifting from the full name ‘International Council of Shopping Centers’ to its initials, ICSC. This change emphasizes a broader mission under the tagline “Innovating Commerce Serving Communities.” This change reflects its commitment to advancing the role of marketplaces not just as commercial entities but as central aspects of community and cultural life​. ICSC is renowned for its extensive array of professional development opportunities. It hosts numerous events and virtual series that enable members to connect with industry leaders, engage in professional growth, and stay abreast of industry trends and insights. ICSC provides many resources for research interests that help inform business decisions and strategies​.


Membership with ICSC offers various benefits, including access to a vast array of networking opportunities, educational programs, and significant discounts on events that can shape professional careers in the industry. Members are connected to a vast network of professionals and resources that can dramatically enhance their business prospects and professional growth​. In addition to its core activities, ICSC is active in advocacy, aiming to influence public policy in ways that support the retail real estate sector. It also focuses on community advancement through various initiatives, including educational scholarships, awards, and recognitions, fostering the next generation of industry talent​.


For anyone connected to the retail and marketplace industry, whether they are seasoned professionals or newcomers, ICSC serves as a cornerstone institution that not only aids in personal career growth but also enhances the industry’s collective ability to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing commercial landscape.